Members of the EPNA organized on Saturday April 9 and May 14, 2022, to help a fellow Edison Park neighborhood resident with some overdue yard work and also clean out the corner of Llewellyn & Congress! These were the first efforts as part of the new SpiffUP projects organized by your EPNA Board of Directors to spiff up Edison Park, our little piece of Fort Myers history. Volunteers, so far, included Warren Baucom, Steve Belcher, Cindee Conners, Tracy McMillan, Cheri O’Mailia, Sharon Powell, Scott & Johanna Shifflette and Nancy & Nick Shippas.
If you want to participate in our next Spiff-UP Day, watch your emails and meet up at the Edison Park Triangle (Marlyn & Monte Vista) on Saturdays early for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. ALL RESIDENTS WELCOME! Hope to see you there!
WEBSITE TRAFFIC since going LIVE May 2018: