Edison Park’s FRONT YARD NEWS [Downtown River District and North]

https://www.myriverdistrict.com/ https://downtownfortmyers.com/ www.fortmyerscra.com

2023-2027 City Budget WORKSHOP https://cityftmyers.com/DocumentCenter/View/19154/FY2023-2027-CIP---Budget-Workshop-Presentation-82222-PDF

Edison Park’s BACK YARD NEWS (South to Colonial Blvd.)

Edison Park’s SIDE YARD NEWS [McGregor Blvd. and Midtown areas] http://www.myfmdodwntownmidtown.com/ https://improvemcgregor.com/ 1/4/24 City Decides Future of City of Palms Stadium 2/27/24 Demolition Sets Stage for new Police Headquarters Mid-Town

Edison Park is on TripAdvisor as #10 of 167 Things to do in Fort Myers!

This review explains why we might be misconstrued… >> (Click) Trip Advisor Review of Edison Park, Fort Myers FL

Go here for a helpful FL Home Rule video http://www.homerulefl.com/

ADU Rental Ad 2004.jpg

2004 City Ad copy contributed by a Fort Myers garage apartment owner, whose garage apartment was “grandfathered in”, by paying the $50 license fee annually since 2004.

The following documents are from the 2004 previous Ordinance 3187, now retooled as Ordinance 3883 (adopted Jan. 6, 2020). {https://library.municode.com/fl/fort_myers/ordinances/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=998532} Chapter 98 governs “grandfathered-in” detached/garage apartments as rentals (“accessory dwelling units”, or ADU’s, now re-termed “guest houses”) in single-family neighborhoods. This Ordinance, still in effect, was a one-time measure that established legal rental status from that time on. If the registration was not completed by the property owner in 2004, the legal rental status was NOT established. To continue the legal rental status, the current owner would need to renew and pay the annual licensing fee each year without fail. For reference:

EPNA FM Rentals Ordinance1.jpg
EPNA FM Rentals Ordinance2.jpg

2011 “snapshot” List of FM registered, legally rentable Guest Houses/Garage Apartments; ie, the $50 license fee had been paid by the owner, past and current, each year since 2004. This list may have been reduced since 2011 if an owner was not in compliance with license fee and inspections:

FM Guest Houses Legal in 2011 (date of list).jpg
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EPNA Crime2 TIPS.jpg
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EFWE Planning Board Map.jpg
EP Escape planning.jpg

Nov. 28, 2018

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